I’m not dead… And finally having SPI progress.

So with all the holidays and other things going on I didnt get to spend much time working on the roaster. In addition due to the complications with the SPI not working all this time I wasn’t feeling very motivated.

Last night after spending hours over many days reading blogs of people who regularly participate on Microchip’s forums I finally managed to get the MAX6675 to start transmitting actual temperature data to the PIC32. I’m not entirely sure why it works now but need to emphasize that it only works OUTSIDE my prototype roaster programming. In other words it is literally a single purpose program that reads a single temperature value from the MAX6675 chip.

It seemed almost reliable by reporting similar temperatures most of the time for each reading for air temperatures and then goes up when I press the thermocouple against my hand and then drops significantly when I press it against a cold soda can. There was a rare spike to 120 plus degrees here and there but infrequently. Otherwise the temperatures appear to be pretty close.

When I return to my roaster program there appears to be something significantly wrong with the speed it communicates with a potential “shift” to the left. If I drop off several of the rightmost (0) bits the resulting numbers are what they are supposed to be with a random wrong bit mixed in. About 60% of the time the results are completely erroneous no matter what. I’m pretty sure now that there is a setting somewhere affecting the communication speed that I’ve lost track of that is disrupting things.

I’ve found that adding some longer delays around the CS changes seems to make the temperatures returned significantly more stable eliminating the 100 plus degree spikes and need to try them out in the roaster code too.

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