Graphing Temperatures from the MAX6675 on PIC32

Turns out graphing temp data is pretty simple.

Using the standard Graphics Library from Microchip just to display the output right now. Ultimately it’s working pretty much as necessary to show temperature graphically. I need to be able to adjust the top/bottom a little better using some formulas to come up with a scaling percentage dynamically to make it fit the minimum and maximum possible temperatures into the display without squishing it too much. Additionally I need to decide how quickly to scroll from left to right and possibly a way to redraw scrolling backwards to see starting graphs and archive the raw data to be reanalyzed later possibly zooming etc.

The input to the system is using a development board by Ryan J McLaughlin (dot com). The board was designed to be connected up to Arduino microprocessors but I figured out it could be plugged up directly to a PIC32 too. I decided I needed an easy to interface board with a thermocouple socket already on the board and this one fit the bill nicely.


Right now it blinks the status LED every time it makes a reading which is somewhere around 2-3 times per second.

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