At the sound of the beep the current time is….

So this weekend I consulted with another person on the Forums page about their I2C routines they had mentioned. After reading through their routines I looked at mine and found pretty much nothing different logistically except that he was accessing the bits directly rather than through the Peripheral Library. I scratched my head and modified the open command to use direct bits for the options I was enabling and suddenly noticed I had data in one of the slots with no collisions while running in regular mode that was always empty previously.

I had set the system up with a series of breakpoints to test I2C at full speed in one location and then break at the beginning of another set of data requests after closing everything out and resetting it. I always failed the first request and then worked in the second ones ONLY while they were in Debug mode. The second requests were always empty like the first one when they were allowed to run full speed / non debug. With this piece of success I then duplicated the change into my main routine instead of the initial test one and suddenly I had a full array of time and date filled and running properly.

While getting ready to blog this I was thinking of a title to use. The first thing that came to mind was the “Time Lady” that you could get the current time by dialing one of those XXX-1212 numbers in the phone book. She would say something like “At the sound of the beep the current time is 3:00…..exactly” or something like that. Upon googling to find the phrase she used I found this article. At the tone the time lady will be gone

Unfortunately it sounds like technology has caught up with the Time Lady. She was always there ready to serve us. RIP Time Lady.

Next up figuring out why my time in the CORNER of the LCD (not the memory slot being fed to the PIC32 RTCC) is showing funny things. Apparently there is some sort of Binary/Decimal/Hex/Whatever craziness going on. I need to find all the references and place Decimal to Binary conversions and hooking up SPI sensors.

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